Sunday, November 9, 2014

Post Modernism

 As we all know technology is always improving and changing. Communicating is now easier and because of this design is an international profession. Design is evolving all around the world and designers are becoming more worldwide because of communication and travel. One designer from this era that really intrigued me is Cesar Pelli. He is an Argentine and American Architect who has built some of the world's tallest buildings. One of his most famous is Petronas Center in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Another designer and architect who truly inspired me is Micheal Graves.He was part of the The New York Five. Not only did he design buildings and furniture but he also designed household items like the famous kettle. In 2003, he went through a traumatic infection causing him to be paralyzed from the waist down. After this happened to him he became inspired to design furniture for hospitals. I think embracing with what you are given or what happens is very inspiring and this really touched me. Here are some of his designs.
Another man who I thought was inspiring today is Frank Gehry. His works are some of the most important building of contemporary design.  The way he thinks of his deigns and his way of life and thinking is very interesting and inspiring. The picture below is called the dancing building representing a man and a woman dancing. I think relating buildings to people is very creative! 

Here is a video of neo-futuristic home. I thought it was interesting looking into the future.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Rise of the Decorator

“Ill always put in one controversial item, it makes people talk.” ~ Dorothy Draper

Dorothy Draper was something interesting to say the least which showed in her designs. I liked this quote because she did what people didn't expect. She wanted people to talk about her designs and she accomplished that task. She was one of the “founding fathers' of decorating. Like many professions, interior design had to start at some point in which, it came about around the early 20th century. The profession of the Decorator began during the Art Deco period in Paris. “Emsemlier” was the French term for one who created an ensemble, chose objects, combines objects and in doing so makes aesthetic choices. This idea was created by Functionalists. On of the very first Decorators of our profession was Dorothy Draper, who intrigued me through her use of color and bright patterns. She relied on social connections and used traditional furniture in non traditional ways. She was influenced by the Art Nouveau period in which she grew up in. She used Art Nouveau style in a way that it was the opposite. Art Nouveau was very dark with heavy, dark woods but she brought in a lot of light in her designs and would paint most of her wood white. One of her most famous designs were in the Greenbriar Hotel.

Like the Art Nouveau era she used a lot of detail and patterns in her designs. Some people might think her designs are a little over the top but I like her sense of style and class.

Today's Applications:

Other Student's Blogs:

Looking at Justine's blog I really liked how she provided some fun facts about Eloise Wolfe and Billy Baldwin, two of the three founders of the Decorating profession. Eloise started as an actress and restored old Victorian houses. I also liked her representations of all three of the founder's designs.

I also looked at Rachael's blog in which I really like how she expressed that these decorators told a story through their designs. I also liked her current applications, taking modern and traditional and putting them together.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Art Deco

Originated in Paris, France the Art Deco Period is very chic, or how the French would say it le chic. This period is very detailed orientated, great use of line, and was also called the “jazz modern” of this time. It is mainly influenced by the Art Nouveau period with its soft colors and decorative pieces. The furniture, lamps, textiles, and accessories all consisted of sharply angled cubistic forms, along with zig- zag shapes. Also, the use of glass, aluminum, and black lacquer was very popular. One famous designer is Eileen Gray. She creates many furniture pieces that are very modern looking that we see in interiors today. Below are some of her work.

Smoking Table Transat Chair

Bibendum Armchair

The Art Deco movement has spread to all over the world one country that was mainly influenced by this period was Scandinavia. They took a more classical design approach by this. Below is the Senna Chair designed by GunnarAsplund.

Furthermore we start to see Art Deco in public spaces such as the Rockefeller Center in New York City. In addition, we see art deco in the Radio City Music Hall along with the Chrysler Building.
Rockefeller Center

Today's Applications:

Other Student's Blogs:
Looking at Allison's blog I liked how she mentioned that the designers during this period were concerned with the body. That is why you see more cushions and curved backs in chairs or sofas. She also explained the skyscraper furniture which was an important factor to the art deco design. I also love the pictures that are in her blog.

Looking at Paige's blog I really liked how she mentioned that art deco was not concerned with functionalism but it was more on the design. She did an excellent job of showing art deco in today's application especially showing the detail of the black lacquer.  

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Emergence of Modernism

Robie House
 This movement has really shaped architecture ad design for today. The use of organic style, horizontal line, and using different materials was brought out during this period and today. Frank Lloyd Wright is one designer that is most influential til to this day. I like how he really  brings out nature into his designs. Growing up in Springfield, Illinois I was fortunate enough to be exposed to one of Frank Lloyd Wright's design, the Dana Thomas House. In this house the use of arches horizontal lines, and detail ornamentation show fabulously. Below are some of his designs that I find most intriguing.
Dana Thomas House
Falling water House
Another influential architect and designer as Miles van de Rohe. He created this house as a weekend home for his mistress. This house is one room which introduced the open floor plan concept. It is located in Plano, Illinois in which you can experience the great outdoors of the Midwest because the walls are all glass. I really love how you can see nature anyhere you stand. It truly is spectaculiar. 
Farnsworth House

Current Applications: 

You can tell how Frank Lloyd Wright and Miles van de Rohe influenced today's design and architecture. 

This week I looked at Rachel and Natalie's blog. In Rachel's blog I really liked how she went into great detail of Frank Lloyd Wright and her pictures of his work. I also liked how he talked about his furniture as well. In Natalie's blog I really liked how she looked at the Unity Temple. I also liked her current applications that she used.