Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Art Deco

Originated in Paris, France the Art Deco Period is very chic, or how the French would say it le chic. This period is very detailed orientated, great use of line, and was also called the “jazz modern” of this time. It is mainly influenced by the Art Nouveau period with its soft colors and decorative pieces. The furniture, lamps, textiles, and accessories all consisted of sharply angled cubistic forms, along with zig- zag shapes. Also, the use of glass, aluminum, and black lacquer was very popular. One famous designer is Eileen Gray. She creates many furniture pieces that are very modern looking that we see in interiors today. Below are some of her work.

Smoking Table Transat Chair

Bibendum Armchair

The Art Deco movement has spread to all over the world one country that was mainly influenced by this period was Scandinavia. They took a more classical design approach by this. Below is the Senna Chair designed by GunnarAsplund.

Furthermore we start to see Art Deco in public spaces such as the Rockefeller Center in New York City. In addition, we see art deco in the Radio City Music Hall along with the Chrysler Building.
Rockefeller Center

Today's Applications:

Other Student's Blogs:
Looking at Allison's blog I liked how she mentioned that the designers during this period were concerned with the body. That is why you see more cushions and curved backs in chairs or sofas. She also explained the skyscraper furniture which was an important factor to the art deco design. I also love the pictures that are in her blog.

Looking at Paige's blog I really liked how she mentioned that art deco was not concerned with functionalism but it was more on the design. She did an excellent job of showing art deco in today's application especially showing the detail of the black lacquer.  

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