Sunday, September 28, 2014

Emergence of Modernism

Robie House
 This movement has really shaped architecture ad design for today. The use of organic style, horizontal line, and using different materials was brought out during this period and today. Frank Lloyd Wright is one designer that is most influential til to this day. I like how he really  brings out nature into his designs. Growing up in Springfield, Illinois I was fortunate enough to be exposed to one of Frank Lloyd Wright's design, the Dana Thomas House. In this house the use of arches horizontal lines, and detail ornamentation show fabulously. Below are some of his designs that I find most intriguing.
Dana Thomas House
Falling water House
Another influential architect and designer as Miles van de Rohe. He created this house as a weekend home for his mistress. This house is one room which introduced the open floor plan concept. It is located in Plano, Illinois in which you can experience the great outdoors of the Midwest because the walls are all glass. I really love how you can see nature anyhere you stand. It truly is spectaculiar. 
Farnsworth House

Current Applications: 

You can tell how Frank Lloyd Wright and Miles van de Rohe influenced today's design and architecture. 

This week I looked at Rachel and Natalie's blog. In Rachel's blog I really liked how she went into great detail of Frank Lloyd Wright and her pictures of his work. I also liked how he talked about his furniture as well. In Natalie's blog I really liked how she looked at the Unity Temple. I also liked her current applications that she used.

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