Monday, February 10, 2014

Early Christian

Before the time of Christ, most people believed there were many gods but until the Early Christian period the Romans started to worship one god Jesus Christ. The believers of Christianity strive for new churches or temples to worship. Then Old St. Peter's Cathedral was built for the tomb of St. Peter the apostle  and was used worship.

 The structure of this cathedral was different than any other architecture before. Arches, domes, collumns, and marble flooring were used like we've seen in Ancient Greece and Rome.  The Early Christian's were known for their intricate mosiac's and fresca's like the one at Sant' Apollinare in Classe in Ravenna, Italy.

Today we see many designs like these in bathrooms or as a backsplash in a kitchen.

Student's Blogs

First, I looked at Margaret's blog and really liked how she discussed the death of Jesus and the birth of Christianity. She really showed the connection between the Early Christians with the two fish symbol.  I found it interesting how she represented today's furniture and how it was inspired by the Early Christians.

John's blog about the catacombs is really fascinating to me. I didn't know these were burial tunnels that led to fascinating places. He really showed how the great deal of how they were buried and how many people were buried there.

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