Monday, February 17, 2014


Romanesque period mainly covered Italy and southern France and included many styles of the Roman period hence the name Romanesque. New changes were evolving when Emperor Charlemagne took power. He encouraged learning and the arts, preserved and copied Roman literature, established schools and monasteries, encouraged building through technology of Roman structures. There was a great religious movement which led to many churches being built. In fact, 1,587 churches were built during 1000 to 1100 century. Below are a couple of the famous churches that were built.
Pisa baptistery, Pisa, Italy; includes three free standing buildings made of marble

Fontenay Abbey, Burgundy, France
Inside the Fontenay Abbey gorgeous, structural arches
The interiors of the churches were lavished with golds, greens, purples, and blues. There were also rich tapestries that hung inside the churches as well. Art was another factor for religion. Murals,sculptures, mosaics, frescos, stained glass windows, and metal work were all being used in the form of art. 

Here are current applications with Romanesque inspirations. 

Forum Shops, Caesar's Palace, Las Vegas, NV

Other Student's Blog:

I looked at Dana's blog and Kristina's blog. In Dana's blog I liked how she talked about the Tabernicle and the mystery behind it. She also discussed the importance of the Pisa Baptistery. Looking into Kristina's post I liked how she discussed the importance of religion and the arts. Art was a big factor in the church. Also, it was very clever of her to incorporate Harry Potter's Hogwarts into her applications. She definitely was thinking outside of the box!

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